Stirr Project

Prototype: Assisting and encouraging new home cook chefs with sustainable meal plans

Role: UX Designer - Including product design, research, product development and user research

Timeline: Jan 2022

Tools: Figma & InVision

Platform: iOS

How Common is Food Waste currently?

  • Food Loss

    Uneaten food in homes and businesses, crops left on the field or Food Waste (food discarded for appearance, colour, food scraps and leftovers in homes and restaurants).

    Food waste costs money as an impact on the environment and climate change - food production involves GHG (green house gases) increases but when the food is wasted, the impact was for no end benefit.

  • Food Waste Affecting the Environment and our Surrondings

    Food waste happens at any point of the food life cycle (farm, manufacturing, transport, retail points and in the home.

    The amount food travels and the fact that its wrapped in plastic has an effect on the environment, but there are other greater issues when thinking about food and waste.

    Positive behavioural changes can decrease food waste quantities - changing buying habits, being innovative with food scraps

Secondary Research

  • 73M jobs can potentially be eliminated due to worker shortages, automations, meaning that there would be less food production and manufacturers.

  • 1.3B tonnes wasted food annually = the cost of almost 1 trillion US dollars according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)

  • International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) collaborates with chefs, advocates, policy makers and business leaders to create and discuss solutions for potential food waste. There are many more future collaborations that sends an important message in regards of preventing food waste and climate changes to eliminate food loss.


Key Market Players Affected by Constant Food Waste

User Interviews

We conducted interviews with 15 individuals ages from 18-30, most of which are responsible for grocery shopping and cooking in their household. For the majority of our interviewees, food waste was a concern and the primary reason for wanting to reduce food waste was financial. 

Based off user interviews, we concluded that our target demographic who live busy lifestyles try to balance their career, hobbies, socials/family lives which makes it difficult to properly plan meals and create a shopping list. Time management is a huge issue and impact on meal planning, thus resulting to users purchasing take out, or food loss with groceries that are not used on time.


User Persona - Meet Jimmy!

We wanted to create a persona of a young adult who lives alone and is new to cooking their own meals and grocery shopping. Jimmy also has a bad habit of ordering too much takeout due to working long work hours and with a tight schedule. Jimmy wants to learn how to cook his meals while saving financially as well as impact positively towards the environment because he does not enjoy wasting food.



Here are some of the following sketches of some screens we wanted to incorporate within the app, along with some features we believe that would benefit the users’ experience.

Final Mini Design System

During our research and brainstorming with different UI designs that would be suitable for our app, Stirr, we found the best fitted design that would compliment our app for the user’s journey experience.


High Fidelity Screens


The sign up screen is standard with the features of logging in to the app with other socials

We decided to add onboarding questions to get to know the users better in order to develop a suitable dashboard/menu that would match the users’ taste

This confirmation screen was added at the end of the onboarding questions. We thought adding the confetti would make the user feel more excited about their meal planning journey

We added the incentive for users to actively participate in meal planning as finance is a core factor to users so they can save money while learning how to meal plan as well as save extra /leftover produce

The red indication shows that the produce will be expiring soon which will help notify users to use the produce soon!

The yellow indicates that the produce has not been assigned to a recipe yet which can allow the user to search for recipes that will include that ingredient.

Overall, this system will help the user incorporate ingredients while meal planning and help the prevention of food waste!


Final Prototype